@Lihallerix That's genuinely heartbreaking. But I agree with you. It's better to actually enjoy life, even if may ultimately cut it shorter. Than not enjoying life, but being around longer. But then again, it is far easier for me to say that since I'm not in your shoes. I hope I'm reading the situation right. But I do wish you the best with whatever ends up happening with the medication.
Oh wow, yeah definitely sounds like you need an upgrade. Though, I do hope you're doing okay medically. Sounds like you've been through quite a bit.
Medically I'm currently in a "good enough to function at home" state. Its not where I want to be, but its far far better than what it was two months ago. However my bloodtests shows the values arnt where my doctors want them to be, they did a huge jump up that wasnt expected. So the doctors want to lower my meds and I hope to try to convince them that its more worth while living in the now than still being around in bed when I'm 60+
That or hope whatever happened with my bloodtests was a weird fluke.
I appreciate the concern, know that I will fight my health every step of the way. ;)